Adobe Photoshop CS6: The Ultimate Guide For Beginners

Mark S.
5 min readFeb 20, 2021


Adobe Photoshop CS6 is one of the most popular and widely used photo editing software today. Photoshop is a huge, complicated beast of a program. But with this ultimate guide for beginners, you’ll learn how to use Photoshop CS6 like a pro. Here’s what you’ll learn: — How to install Photoshop CS6 — Keyboard shortcuts and tricks — How to crop, resize, and straighten images — How to retouch portraits — Color adjustments — How to create amazing photo effects — And more!

Installing Photoshop CS6

Downloading Adobe Photoshop on the Mac is easy, but very expensive. Are you really willing to give $749 just to edit a couple of photos? I think that’s wasteful. Downloading torrents can get you fined and get viruses. But thank goodness there is another reliable way. The easiest way is by registering at — there for a one-time payment you can get access to a whole bundle of applications, including Photoshop CS6, which does not need to be activated. I recommend it, because I use it myself!

Keyboard shortcuts and tricks

Not many people know how to fully use the shortcuts on the keyboard that Photoshop CS6 has to offer. This ultimate guide will teach you how to do it, so that you can transform your editing skills. Learn how to convert space to free-form shapes A free-form shape is when you create the shape by setting the option or option and pressing the Ctrl key twice, and then just let go of it. Create a selection from scratch In Photoshop CS6, you have the option to select an object by pressing Cmd-click (Ctrl + Cmd-click for Windows) and selecting the object. You can also use the Option key to go directly to the editing options from the selection selection. Use Cmd-click to move or copy an object in the Object panel When you are in the Object panel, press Cmd-click to move or copy the object (or

Cropping, resizing, and straightening images

The most important feature of Photoshop is the ability to adjust the image. Everything else follows after this. The first step to mastering Photoshop is the ability to crop, resize, and straighten images. These are techniques that will come in handy, especially when you’re creating art. Step 1: Select the image you’d like to crop You’ll learn how to use “Select all” in Photoshop, but that won’t always work. So you need to crop an image first. You need to click on the image you’d like to crop. Click anywhere on the image. Once you click on the image, the “Edit” menu will appear. Select “Crop.” Step 2: Change the size of the image Now you need to change the size of the image. To do this, click on “Edit” again. Click on the “Scale” menu. You’ll see a “Size” menu item. Click on “X”

Retouching portraits

Learn the proper retouching techniques for portraits using Photoshop. These retouching techniques include: Reflections Creation of vignettes Cool shadows and highlights Blurred backgrounds Creating “Natural” painting effects Creating glitters and sparkles Creating pretty leaves and butterflies Curves, Levels, and saturation Let’s take a closer look at these retouching techniques, starting with creating reflections. Create Reflections Using Photoshop CS6 1. Select Selections Tool To create reflections, you’ll first need to select two areas of your photo. The easiest way to select two areas is to click and drag the cursor across two or more areas of your photo. You should now see two selection areas: This is a safe way to get started with retouching, but if you can, start by

Color adjustments

Adobe Photoshop CS6 offers a vast selection of color adjustments, which you can choose from to change the look of your photos. Here are some color adjustment examples: Vivid colors : Choose a color that best matches your skin tone. : Choose a color that best matches your skin tone. Dark/light & shadow : Decide which areas of the image need more contrast, while some need less contrast. : Decide which areas of the image need more contrast, while some need less contrast. Color effects: Use the Color Effects tool to add subtle color changes or textures, or turn your image into a watercolor painting. Color matching If you’re shooting photos of someone else, you probably want to make sure their eyes are in focus. Instead of cropping out the eyes, you can use Photoshop’s Eye tool to do it.

Creating amazing photo effects

One of the coolest features of Photoshop CS6 is the Effects Library. It’s an ever-expanding collection of amazing effects, from “Dope Paint” to “Rainbow Text” to “Random Fireworks.” There are thousands of these effects for you to use in your designs, so you don’t have to worry about creating them yourself. Creating beautiful posters Photoshop CS6 makes it easy to create eye-catching posters. If you’ve ever wondered how to create an eye-catching poster, this guide will teach you how. Photoshop CS6 tutorial: How to make a poster Having trouble with designing? Do you have Photoshop CS6 but want to learn how to design, make logos, posters, or anything else? Well then you’re in the right place! Here’s how to create beautiful posters in Photoshop. Essential Photoshop CS6 resources You’


This is the perfect beginner guide for anyone who wants to learn how to use Photoshop CS6 and does not know where to start. This guide has been created for a newcomer, so you can get started right away. Thanks for watching! If you enjoyed the video, then please click the “Recommend” button and share the video with your friends on Facebook. Remember to subscribe to our YouTube channel and please like and share our content. And the best thing about it is, you get it all in just this one place! Each and every aspect of Photoshop CS6 is explained in this guide. From its inner workings to its use to the basic concepts of Photoshop, this Ultimate Photoshop Guide for Beginners will show you exactly how to get the most out of this photo editing program. So, without further ado, allow me to

